Outer Harbour Works near Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh , India - an ACCROPODE™ I project
Outer Harbour Works near Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh - India
ITD CEMENTATION INDIA LIMITED has been awarded a contract to finalize the works for the construction of an outer harbour near Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. This project of a new port area sheltered from the open sea, includes the construction of a 1 400 m-long breakwater (North), a 1 000 m-long detached breakwater (South) and a 200 m-long sand retention groyne. These newly built structures are protected by ACCROPODE™ I blocks. Works resumed in 2024 after a pause of several years and are currently ongoing.
CLI provides a tailor-made assistance offering its remote and onsite services, with technical site visits for training and advising the contractor during the casting and placing phases. Additionally, at the end of the project, CLI will deliver a Compliance Certificate stating the compliance of the ACCROPODE™ I placing works with the principles of the technology.
Special features of the project
A crane is used to place units above the sea level, while the same equipment, but supplied with a Posibloc® guidance system is being used for the placement of armour units underwater. Divers also assist to place units underwater.
Hydraulic conditions
Max. seabed depth (toe): -21.4 m
Top of the crest: +14.7 m
Total length of the structure: 2 600 m
Construction aspect
The core material of the breakwater was built from the seaside using the barges.
Sizes of ACCROPODE™ I units: 5m3, 8m³, 14m3 18m3
Total volume of ACCROPODE™ I units: 310 000 m³
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