Port of Cotonou Terminal 5 – Bénin : an ACCROPODE™ II project
Port of Cotonou Terminal 5 – Bénin
CHINA HARBOUR ENGINEERING COMPANY LTD (CHEC) has been awarded by the PORT AUTONOME DE COTONOU a contract to build a new bulk terminal (Terminal 5) in the Port of Cotonou, Benin. This project to expand the port area includes, among other things, a 350 m-long extension of the existing breakwater and the construction of an 891 m-long revetment to protect the new terminal's backfilled area. Works began in 2023 and are currently ongoing.
CLI has provided a tailor-made assistance offering its remote and onsite services, with technical site visits for training and advising the contractor during the casting and placing phases.
Special features of the project
Extension of the existing breakwater and construction of a new revetment with ACCROPODE™ II units to protect a new bulk terminal in the Port of Cotonou, Benin.
A crane is used to place units above the sea level, while the same crane, but equipped with an Echoscope® guidance system is used for the placement of armour units underwater.
Hydraulic conditions
Max. seabed depth (toe): -6.09 m
Top of the crest: +6.80 m
Total length of the project: 891 m + 330 m = 1241 m
Construction aspect
Total length of the ACCROPODE™ II units protection: 1241 m
Total volume of 2m3, 3m³ and 4m3 ACCROPODE™ II units: 22 000 m³
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