Das Island, reclamatation project for Tamkeen - UAE: a CORE-LOC™ project

Das Island, reclamatation project for Tamkeen - UAE

ADNOC Gas has decided to extend the offshore south reclamation area of DAS Island, which involves the removal and re-laying of 5 m3 CORE-LOC™ blocks. An assessment of the structural condition of the removed blocks is also performed before any reuse of the blocks.

25.1210838, 52.8744721

The added value of CLI

Understanding of the Contractor’s need. Problems solving mindset applied to this specific project.
Certification by CLI regarding the installation of blocks in accordance with the CORE-LOC™ technique.

Special features of the project

CLI provides technical assistance and a Compliance Certificate for the entire installation of the CORE-LOC™  blocks on the structure.
This Compliance Certificate is a guarantee of quality. The monitoring and verification of the installation is done using a 3D model of the armour made on the basis of Bathymetric and Photogrammetric surveys during construction.


Hydraulic conditions

  • Length of the shore protection protected with CORE-LOC™ blocks: 500 m

  • Max. seabed depth (toe): -5 m 

  • Top of the crest: +7 m

Construction aspect

The shore protection was built from land. 1 700  CORE-LOC™ units of 5m3 were placed using cranes.

United Arab Emirates
National Marine Dredging Company (NMDC)
2024 - 2025
Role of CLI
Compliance Certificate
Sublicense contract and technical assistance for CORE-LOC™ units

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