Al Omairah Island Lower Zakum Field - UAE : an ACCROPODE™ II project
Al Omairah Island Lower Zakum Field - UAE
ADNOC has begun the construction of an offshore island at the Lower Zakum oil field. This island is protected by an ACCROPODE™ II armour made of 4m3 blocks. The total number of blocks required is 35,055 units.
Understanding of the Contractor’s need. Problems solving mindset applied to this specific project.
Compliance Certificate delivered by CLI regarding the installation of blocks in accordance with the ACCROPODE™ II technique.
Special features of the project
CLI provides technical assistance and a Compliance Certificate for the entire installation of the ACCROPODE™ II blocks on the structure.
This Compliance Certificate is a guarantee of quality. The monitoring and verification of the installation is done using a 3D model of the armour made on the basis of Bathymetric and Photogrammetric surveys during construction.
Hydraulic conditions
Shore protection and breakwater protected with ACCROPODE™ II blocks: 4.3 km long
Max. seabed depth (toe): -11 m
Top of the crest: +5 m
Construction aspect
The shore protection and breakwater are built from land. 35 055 ACCROPODE™ II units of 4m3 will be placed using excavators.
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